Whitehead Light Bibliography
Boston Globe, January 23, 1910. "Thirty-Five Years a Life-saver: The Record of Capt Freeman Shea."
Caldwell, Bill. Lighthouses of Maine. Portland, ME: Gannett Books, 1986. Clifford, J. Candace, and Mary Louise Clifford. Maine Lighthouses: Documentation of Their Past. Alexandria, VA: Cypress Communications 2005. Columbian Centinel & Massachusetts Federalist, July 27, 1803. "Plan of a Light-House, and DWELLING-HOUSE for the keeper of it, to be erected at White Head, District of Maine, near the Muscle Ridges, at the mouth of the Penobscot River, in the State of Massachusetts." Crowninshield, Mary Bradford. All Among the Lighthouses. Boston: D. Lothrop Company, 1886. The Cruiser: A Quarterly Magazine of Cruising Tales and Adventures. Volume III. New York: Rudder Publishing Company, 1908. D'Entremont, Jeremy. The Lighthouses of Maine. Beverly, MA: Commonwealth Editions, 2009. Down East, October 1978. DuBruie, Deborah. "Another rescue for an old life-saving station." Working Waterfront/Inter-Island News, July 1998 Feller-Roth, Barbara. Lighthouses: A Guide to Many of Maine's Coastal and Offshore Guardians. Freeport, ME: DeLorme Mapping Company, 1988. Gamage, David A. "White Head Light Station - Childhood memories." Lighthouse Digest, August 2000. Gamage, David A. "Whitehead Light Station." The Keeper's Log, Fall 2000. Haskell, Ira J. Chronology of the Haskell Family. Lynn, MA: Ellis Printing Company, 1943. Independent Chonicle, July 21, 1803. Johnson, Ken D. Email corrspondence, June 2008. McLane, Charles B. and Carol Evarts McLane. Islands of the Mid-Maine Coast: Penobscot Bay. Co-published by Tilbury House of Gardiner, Maine, and the Island Institute of Rockland, Maine, 1997. Salem Gazette, September 6, 1803. Snow, Edward Rowe. The Lighthouses of New England. New York, New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1973. Sterling, Robert Thayer. Lighthouses of the Maine Coast and the Men Who Keep Them. Brattleboro, VT: Stephen Daye Press, 1935. Upton, Ron. Email correspondence in January 2008. "Whitehead lighthouse changes hands." Bangor Daily News, December 19, 1997. |