Browns Head Light Bibliography
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Bangor Daily News, "Light keepers preserve tradition: New generation of beacon tenders staying home for holiday." December 31, 1999.
Boston Globe, "Island Beacon - Town Manager thrives in role as island beacon." August 30, 1998. Boston Globe, "Light Keeper at Age of Eighty." October 9, 1904. Caldwell, Bill. Lighthouses of Maine. Portland, ME: Gannett Books, 1986. Clifford, J. Candace, and Mary Louise Clifford. Maine Lighthouses: Documentation of Their Past. Alexandria, VA: Cypress Communications 2005. D'Entremont, Jeremy. "The Lights of Their Lives." Lighthouse Digest, Jaunuary 2001. D'Entremont, Jeremy. The Lighthouses of Maine. Beverly, Massachusetts: Commonwealth Editions, 2009. DeRaps, Ernest G. and Pauline E. DeRaps. Lighthouse Keeping / Light Housekeeping. Wells, ME: FogHorn Publishing, 2006. Kennebec Journal, September 20, 1907. Lea, Amy. "Life of a Keeper's Wife." Rockland Courier-Gazette, April 10, 2007. Lighthouse Digest, "Last Born, Also the First." October 1995. Maine Coast Fisherman, January 1948. "Life at the Light Station." Murphy, Jeremiah. "A fleeting taste of the lighthouse life." Boston Globe, December 25, 1983. New York Times, November 4, 1901. "Notice to Mariners." New York Times, "U.S. giving lighthouses to towns in Maine." November 24, 1996. Sterling, Robert Thayer. Lighthouses of the Maine Coast and the Men Who Keep Them. Brattleboro, VT: Stephen Daye Press, 1935. Walsh, Barbara. "'It's my watch on the light.'" Portland Press Herald, March 24, 1997. Wright, Sarah Bird. Islands of the Northeastern United States and Canada. Atlanta: Peachtree Publishers, LTD., 1990. |