Plymouth Light Bibliography
American Mercury, March 19, 1792.
Becker, Gloria. "Gurnet or (Plymouth) Light and its Children." Typescript at Plymouth Public Library. Boit, John H. "Erosion Forces Moving of Gurnet Light." Quincy Patriot Ledger, June 12, 1997. Clifford, Mary Louise and J. Candace Clifford. Women Who Kept the Lights: An Illustrated History of Female Lighthouse Keepers. Williamsburg, VA: Cypress Communications, 1993. Coast Guard Bulletin, September 1939. "Plymouth (Gurnet) Lighthouse Eighth Lighthouse to be Built in the United States." "Coast Guard, Gurnet Beach reach lighthouse accord." Boston Globe, August 16, 1998. Copp, Ed. "End of an Era." Brockton Enterprise, May 17, 1985. Davidson, Donald W. America's Landfall: The Lighthouses of Cape Cod, Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard. West Dennis, MA : The Peninsula Press, 1993. D'Entremont, Jeremy. The Lighthouses of Massachusetts. Beverly, MA: Commonwealth Editions, 2007. De Wire, Elinor. Guardians of the Lights: The Men and Women of the U.S. Lighthouse Service. Sarasota, FL: Pineapple Press, 1995. Gleason, Sarah C. Kindly Lights: A History of the Lighthouses of Southern New England. Boston : Beacon Press, 1991. Harbert, Rich. "Lighthouse Saved." Duxbury Reporter, December 23, 1998. Hewitt, Arthur. "Signals of the Sea." The Outlook, November 1904. Holland, Francis Ross, Jr. America's Lighthouses: An Illustrated History. New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 1972. Jacobsen, Dorothy. "Life in Lighthouse Switch on Lighthouse Keeping." Undated article (circa 1960s) from Quincy Patriot Ledger. Lighthouse Service Bulletin, November 1, 1929. "Saving of Life and Property." Massachusetts Chapter of the U.S. Lighthouse Society, various newsletters 1989-1993. Merry, Reverend Canon Robert. "The Story of Gurnet Light and the Rescue of Bug Light." Duxbury Clipper, June 8, 1988. Morris, Charles W. E. "The Gurnet." Pilgrim Society Notes, July 1982. O'Keefe, John. "Lighthouse relocation set to go." Quincy Patriot Ledger, July 8, 1998. O'Keefe, John. "Neighbors hope lighthouse move isn't media event." Quincy Patriot Ledger, August 17, 1998. Pilgrim Society Notes, July 1969. "A History of the Gurnet, Saquish and Clark's Island." Rein, Lisa. "More Than Ever, a Solitary Beacon." Quincy Patriot Ledger, October 1, 1986. Robicheau, Leanne M. "Automation of Lighthouses A View from the Inside." Mashpee Messenger, September 3, 1986. Robicheau, Leanne M. "End of an Era." Old Colony Memorial, September 4, 1986. Snow, Edward Rowe. The Lighthouses of New England. New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1973. Swift, Adam. "Lighting the Way to Gurnet Cottage." Duxbury Clipper, April 22, 2008. Thomson, James. "Plymouth Light Saved from Attack by the Sea!" Lighthouse Digest, February 1999. Willoughby, Malcolm F. Lighthouses of New England. Boston : T.O. Metcalf Company, 1929. |