Green's Ledge Lighthouse
Location: Norwalk Islands, western Long Island Sound
Nearest city: Norwalk, Connecticut Coordinates: 41 02 30 N 73 26 38 W View Greens Ledge Lighthouse in a larger map Previous lighthouse (west to east): Stamford Harbor Light
Next lighthouse (west to east): Sheffield Island Light |
Active U.S. Coast Guard aid to navigation. Owned by the Greens Ledge Light Preservation Society.
Accessibility: Can be reached by boat only. The lighthouse is privately owned and is not open to the public. Station established: 1902 Present lighthouse built: 1902 Automated: 1972 Construction material: Cast iron Height of tower: 52 feet Height of focal plane: 62 feet Optic: Fifth-order Fresnel (1902) Fourth-order Fresnel (1902) Present optic: VLB-44 (LED), installed 2019 Characteristic: Alternating red and white flashes every 12 seconds
Fog signal: Two blasts every 20 seconds |