Egg Rock Light Bibliography
Barnstable Patriot, September 8, 1860. "Egg Rock."
Boston Globe, July 13, 1897. "New Light on Egg Rock." Boston Globe, August 13, 1905. "Five Rescued." Boston Globe, August 27, 1905. "Lightkeeper on Egg Rock Makes Gasoline Engines." Boston Globe, May 14, 1906. "Four Saved from Sea." Boston Globe, September 4, 1906. "Saved from Rocks." Boston Globe, April 25, 1909. "Lightkeeper is an Inventor." Boston Globe, February 13, 1919. "Egg Rock Lightkeeper Replaced by Huge Tank." Boston Globe, September 14, 1919. "Where is the Lighthouse Keeper?" Boston Globe, January 1, 1921. "Uncle Sam Rejects Bid of $100 for Modern Dwelling on Egg Rock." Boston Globe, April 2, 1922. "Egg Rock Light to Shine No More after 66 Years as Lonely Beacon." Boston Globe, April 18, 1922. "Egg Rock Light Put Out Forever." Boston Globe, August 6, 1922. "Man Who Tries to Move Buildings from Egg Rock Will Have Hard Job." Boston Globe, September 17, 1922. "Removal of Lightkeeper's House on Egg Rock Begun." Boston Globe, October 12, 1922. "Egg Rock House Dives into Sea." Decatur Daily Herald, April 19, 1903. "Experiment in Fog Signaling." D'Entremont, Jeremy. The Lighthouses of Massachusetts. Beverly, MA: Commonwealth Editions, 2007. D'Entremont, Jeremy. "The Lost Light of Egg Rock." Lighthouse Digest, February 1999. Grelish, Tom. "As the Saying Goes -- If You Can See as Far as Egg Rock." Boston Post, November 25, 1979. Haley, Paul A. "Egg Rock Light Sold Quarter Century Ago." Lynn Daily Evening Item, December 20, 1945. Haley, Paul A. "Lighthouse at Egg Rock Recalls Many Vivid Tales." Lynn Daily Evening Item, December 16, 1948. Hobbs, Clarence W. Lynn and Surroundings. Lynn, MA.: Lewis & Winship, 1886. Lawrence, Charles A. "Egg Rock." Typescript at the Lynn Historical Society, 1933. Lynn Daily Evening Item, October 13, 1922. "Egg Rock Light Keeper's House Slides to Sea." Lynn Daily Evening Item, January 3, 1946. "Swampscott Man Recalls Early Life on Egg Rock." Nebraska State Journal, October 23, 1910. "Lives and Lightkeepers." Oldpath, Obadiah. Lin, or Jewels of the Third Plantation. Lynn, MA,: Thomas Herbert and James M. Munroe, 1862. Paterson, Stanley C. and Carl G. Seaburg. Nahant on the Rocks. Nahant, MA.: Nahant Historical Society, 1991. Salem Evening News, April 18, 1922. "Egg Rock Light No Longer Flashes Way to Mariners at Sea." Salem Evening News, July 10, 1922. "Keeper's House on Egg Rock Sold to Milton Man for $160." Salem Evening News, September 18, 1922. "Egg Rock Keeper's House Being Removed." Skinner, Charles M. Myths and Legends of Our Own Land, Volume 4: Tales of Puritam Land. Philadelphia and London: Lippincott, 1896. Wilson, Fred A. Some Annals of Nahant. Nahant, MA.: Nahant Historical Society, 1977 (reprint, originally published 1928). |