Great Point Lighthouse Bibliography
Ayotte, Nancy. "Sea Imperils Island Light." Cape Cod Times, June 14, 1979.
Barnstable Patriot, January 4, 1904. "Death of Capt. Judah Berry of West Harwich." Benchley, Rob. "Crossing the Galls." Nantucket Magazine, Spring 1999. Borchert, Katherine. "Temporary Lighthouse Airlifted to Great Point." Nantucket Inquirer and Mirror, January 10, 1985. Boston Globe, January 14, 1904. "At His Post." Boston Globe, March 31, 1984. "Stormy seas claim Great Point Light." Boston Globe, September 8, 1986. "Lighthouse shines again from the tip of Nantucket." Butler, Karen T. Nantucket Lights. Nantucket, Massachusetts: Mill Hill Press, 1996. Clark, Admont G. Lighthouses of Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket - Their History and Lore. East Orleans, Massachusetts: Parnassus Imprints, 1992. Coast Guard Bulletin, "Nantucket (Great Point) Lighthouse Eleventh Lighthouse to Be Built in the United States." December 1939. Davidson, Donald W. America's Landfall: The Lighthouses of Cape Cod, Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard. West Dennis, Massachusetts: The Peninsula Press, 1993. D'Entremont, Jeremy. "Bill Grieder's Lighthouse Boyhood." Cape Cod Today, May 30, 2002. D'Entremont, Jeremy. The Lighthouses of Massachusetts. Beverly, MA: Commonwealth Editions, 2007. Fenelon, Susan. "Lighthouse Loss Like 'Death in the Family.'"Cape Cod Times, April 1, 1984. Gleason, Sarah C. Kindly Lights: A History of the Lighthouses of Southern New England. Boston, Massachusetts: Beacon Press, 1991. Golden, Daniel. "Stormy Sea Claims Great Point Light." Boston Globe, March 31, 1984. Hauser, A. H. "The Great Point Lighthouse Caper." Keeper's Log, Winter 1996. Historic Nantucket, "The Great Point Light Story." October 1984. Hosmer, Catherine A. "Ring of Light." Nantucket Journal, Late Summer 1996. Jenness, Amy. "Great Point Lighthouse Revelry Runs Afoul of Nantucket Weather." Cape Cod Times, September 7, 1986. Jenness, Amy. "Lighthouse Rebuilding Set for August." Cape Cod Times, April 14, 1985. Killen, Jeanette Haskins. Interview by Nantucket Historical Association, August 5, 2001. Lighthouse Service Bulletin, October 1, 1931. Macy, William F. The Story of Old Nantucket. Boston, Massachusetts: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1915. Miles, Mary. "History, Herstory, Theirstory." Yesterday's Island/Today's Nantucket 30, no. 19 (2000). Miller, Steve. "Ted Haskins has vivid memories of 28 years as lightkeeper." Rockland Courier Gazette, June 12, 1973. Nantucket Gazetteer, "Nantucket." November 16, 1816. Nantucket Gazetteer, "Notice to Mariners." November 16, 1816. New York Times, "Light to Shine on Nantucket." September 15, 1985. Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, National Park Service, Washington, D.C.. Historic American Building Survey, July 1971. Portsmouth (NH) Herald, "By Two Big Ducks." April 3, 1902. Ribadeneira, Diego. "Lighthouse Shines Again from Tip of Nantucket." Boston Globe, September 8, 1986. Snow, Edward Rowe. Famous Lighthouses of New England. 1945. Updated edition (as The Lighthouses of New England), Beverly, MA.: Commonwealth Editions, 2002. Snow, Edward Rowe. Storms and Shipwrecks of New England. Boston: Yankee Publishing Company, 1943. Updated edition, Beverly, MA.: Commonwealth Editions, 2003. White, Jack. "Boston Lighthouse to Replace Toppled Great Point Beacon." Cape Cod Times, September 11, 1984. The Yankee, "Nantucket Light-House." April 18, 1817. |